Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fayetteville, Bikes Blues and BBQ 2011

It was as if every biker going to Fayetteville, Arkansas for the 11th Annual Bikes, Blues and BBQ dropped a knee, said a little prayer and got their wish! The weather for the weekend was absolutely incredible. The mornings were cold, the afternoons were warm and sunny and the evenings were crisp. Perfect!

We have traveled to Arkansas for a couple of years now and love riding the hills, curves and mountains. This year we decided instead of going to the Pig Trail and Dragon Trail we would take a couple of different routes. Don't get me wrong, those two rides are spectacular and the scenary is beautiful, but it was time for a change.

On Friday, we rode out to the Tyson Center to test drive a Victory, then walked around and checked out the vendors and their wares. After a couple of hours we ventured out to War Eagle Mill. Opening in 1832 it produced fresh grains and flours and today, they still produce mixes, cereals and organic grains. They also have ceramics and several other fine arts and crafts. On the top floor is a restaurant serving comfort food - YUM! No one knows more than Luke how much I love places like this. He is so patient with me, I wander around, exploring every inch, taking photos and just absorbing the entire place. What was it like in 1832? Well, it hasn't changed much; they still don't have indoor toilets. Yep, men's and women's outhouses.

The old bridge is just a blast to drive over on the motorcycle. The clacking of the boards and the precise way that you have to stay just in the right spot makes for an interesting ride. I stood and watched several come and go, maneuvering carefully.

After returning to our hotels, we met up with the rest of the group for Mexican food, libations and lots of laughter. We seem to always be the most jovial group wherever we end up.

Saturday morning Luke and I took off for Mountain View and Mountain Home. Round trip from our hotel was about 325 miles, a day trip for us. Once again, amazing weather for riding. The landscapes with the fog and sun are images that cannot be described. The entire trip I watched for the perfect photos and for deer and other wildlife that might be out early in the mornings. We were fortunate, nothing to get in our way.

We made it back safely to the hotel that evening and once again met up with the group for dinner. The highlight was of course the famous chocolate dessert which made it around the table twice (for some reason it was held up by Gerald and Susie). Great day riding, great night with friends.

Sunday morning came too soon, time to make our way back to Wichita. The time went much too quickly but we are grateful for the perfect rides. Is there really such a bad ride? I don't want to find out.

The pictures are pretty self explanatory except for maybe a couple; Luke on the Victory we test drove and continue to dream about and the funniest "engineering satelite job" using cinderblock to actually hold down the satelite. Do you suppose they are an engineering major at OSU? Clever and cost effective, just can't beat it!

Ride safe everyone. Peace, Pam

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