Our ride today took us to Oxford, Kansas to the Old Mill. When we left our house at 8:00 a.m. the temperature was about 80 degrees; when we arrived back home around 5:00 p.m. it was a toasty 98 degrees! Hot, windy and tired but so happy to have ridden today.
The Kansas two-lane roads always fascinate me. When you drive through the town the locals always wave; you can smell food cooking and the kids just ride and play freely never thinking about not being safe.
If you did not know where the mill was located in Oxford, you would go right past the gravel road that takes you there. Yes, gravel...no fun on a motorcycle. The mill has been around since 1871. The entire area looked abandonded but the houses had dogs and chickens roaming about. One of the ladies in our group said she felt like we were being watched. We could not see them; but we are pretty sure they could see us.
I am always drawn to the strangest photo opportunities; the old mailbox, the old truck, antique windows and doors and the mill. The fire escape on the back of one of the mills was so scary! It was straight down. Probably 140 years ago it was state of the art, today, NOT!
Living and working during this time would have been incredible. The newspapers were just being published, photography and train travel were the rage. As I stood there today looking through one of the windows I wondered about the people who worked there and how their lives must have been. I love history and learning about those who blazed the trail for the rest of us. Had it not been for them, I would not be standing there today.
Enjoy the pics, go blaze a trail for someone too!
Thank you for sharing these kind words about my hometown!! It is just how you described it. Kids playing, people waving. :) A great town with a lot of history and plenty of stories to hear from some amazing people. The Old Mill is still being taken care of and is now a restaurant managed by the Oxford High School Entrepreneurship program. Many people---including my family!! :) have contributed their time and efforts to keep this place a must-see for locals and tourists alike.