Sunday, January 5, 2014

Snowy Happy New Year!

To be honest, I was excited about the snow last night. I was looking forward to going outside, just like a little kid, not to make a snow fort, not to make a snowman or throw snowballs at the neighbors, but to take some pictures of the backyard. I bundled up, headed out and the adventure didn’t take long. I was hoping for a small hike down to the river but with the drifts of snow and unbelievably frigid temperature, I thought I better not risk it.

Yes, it’s frustrating to have to clean off your car, shovel the drive and sidewalks but if for just a moment you can get past that and enjoy the quiet beauty, the stillness and calm. I love it. The untouched snow is an incredible site.

All of the photos are from our backyard. We just moved over the Christmas holiday to the Riverside area so I am spending time exploring all around us. The house backs up to the river so technically we are still “east siders” the back of the house is west. I am looking forward to springtime and being outside. I don’t want time to go too quickly though.

2013 came and went so quickly. My mom says it best “time flies, embrace and enjoy every moment”. She is so correct. I plan to do just that.

I’ve never been one to make resolutions but this year – 2014 – I vow to myself to spend time doing things that matter, do what I enjoy, be with those that I love and that love me, be grateful,live for today and make every single moment count.

Happy New Year.
Peace & Love…….Pam

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