Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holidays 2012 & Kollin Cummings 1st Birthday Celebration

Time, never enough, sometimes too much, it goes too quickly and sometimes just simply stands still. I have never really been a fan of Christmas, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday; it seems as though Christmas gets more and more “un-fun” (it’s not a word, I made it up) every year. Maybe it’s just me, I like to enjoy the holiday with my family and lots of delicious food. A quite time enjoying each other is just perfect for me; I don’t need the stress of finding the perfect gift – at all.

There were busy days and dinner’s in the evening, trying to see everyone and there was very little rest, but most of all there was love and laughter. I adore my children and grandchildren; they do make my heart melt. I keep saying that, but it’s true. I look at them with such happiness and I love them with my whole heart.

And then, the 1st birthday of Kollin Ambrose Cummings; what a day! All of his tiny little friends attended along with cousin, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles and great-grandpa. I cannot believe it’s been a year since Kyle and Erin blessed us with a grandson. A D O R A B L E! Enough said.

The pictures are of the birthday party and some of the holidays. It’s impossible to post them all. Memories that I will cherish always……

Take care friends, peace. Pam

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