Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

It is a new year. A time when we make resolutions to do so many things "to make ourselves better" but I just cannot get into that. Imagine that, me going against the grain.....

The previous year flew by, I was so busy at work that I hardly had time for anything else. We did manage a few motorcycle trips in between shows and it was always wonderful to get away. This year, we have many trips planned and are hoping to go to Sturgis, our first time there - EVER! It's a long time until August but that's the plan right now.

Don't take things so seriously, really, time goes so quickly. Enjoy the little things and remember that it is not the material goods that define us, it is our personalities and how we treat others. If I had it my way, I would sell everything and live in a small trailer by the lake like Dr. McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy, looks like a good plan to me. Of course, we would have to keep the motorcycle, it is imperative!

Peace and much love in 2011! Pam

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