Sunday, September 26, 2010

Finally Caught Up!

We are leaving for Fayetteville, Arkansas; Bikes, Blues and BBQ on Thursday, September 30. I can't wait to enjoy the beautiful rides and amazing landscapes - never disappointed by the winding roads and hills of Arkansas.

My blog is finally caught up and I am looking forward to taking lots of pics on the upcoming trip.

Enjoy the week, the weather promises to be in our favor. If you are riding as well; be safe.

More soon........

Sun City, Kansas

Sun City, Kansas is home to the famous burgers and coldest beer at Buster’s. Under new ownership, recently renovated and a new menu, we had to go see what happened to the beloved Buster’s!

On our way, we passed the newly installed wind turbans out in the very middle of the fields. They are spectacular in so many ways. Honestly, I don’t find them offensive or intrusive at all. How could they be any uglier than telephone poles or electrical lines? High in the air, making this whirling sound, almost soothing in a strange way.

Buster’s was clean, the bathrooms were all new and the menu had changed completely. No more handmade burger patties, the animal heads were cleaned off, pictures were hanging straight on the walls… least the beer was cold.

After lunch we went to Greensburg, Kansas. The town is still being rebuilt after the horrific tornado three years ago. Even after all of the new houses, commercial and retail spaces replaced the town has this eerie feeling about it. Destroyed, people had their lives torn apart and now working to make it better. True pioneers!

A tank full of gas, cold water and bathroom breaks we made the decision to go to Pratt to the Fish and Game Preserve. Truly a beautiful place, Crane’s, Blue Herron’s, fish jumping and shade everywhere was such a welcoming sight. I didn’t even know it was there. We took some pics and enjoyed the shady break, then off to Garden Plain for dinner and red beer. It was hot, we were tired and thirsty. We also knew that this was our last ride together until we leave for Fayetteville, Arkansas on September 30. It was a great end to the day.


Sun City, Kansas Photos Set 1

Potwin and Kansas State Fair

Potwin, Kansas has recently decided to host “Biker Breakfast” the second weekend of each month. This was our second visit and it had grown since the first. Very friendly people live in Potwin, the mayor is right there welcoming everyone and asking what they can do to make it better. For us, keep Sharon’s Breakfast Burrito’s and we will be just fine. The best breakfast burrito served out of a portable trailer. If you want, she will smother it in sausage gravy too. Or, if you like it spicy, try it with her homemade salsa and the gravy! So good…..

After checking out the vendors Luke and Terry decided to drive to Hutchinson for the Kansas State Fair; it was opening weekend. I love the fair; the smells of all of the food, the always entertaining people, the buildings full of Kansas goods and of course the farm animals.

Our first stop was Llama’s, bad teeth but great wool. Then, over to the cattle where they were grooming them for their turn in the arena ring. I happened to catch a little boy squatting down talking on a cell phone; so cute and so at home, nothing really bothering him.

Over in the corner of the building was a cowboy with the craziest contraption; he would lead the calf into the harness and then turn it onto its side. Then, calf manicure! IT WAS NUTS! He would sand their hooves and then spray them down. Then, back down on all fours and out of the shoot. Amazing.

It was big fun, Terry waited for a while on a Krispy Kreme doughnut hamburger but gave up because the line was too line. So, corn dogs, roasted corn and lots of water and tea was our diet for the day. It ended with ice cream, tasty.

We said our good-byes and off to Wichita we went. At HWY 96 and Maize Road we broke down, dead, no power, AGAIN. We literally limped our way to Brooklyn’s parking lot at Zoo Boulevard and 235. Hello tow truck; and as we waited Red Beer.

The day was wonderful, there are ups and downs, the bike is now fixed, and ready to go again.

Adventurous? Always……

Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma Part 4 Pics

Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma Part 3 Pics

Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma Part 2 Pics

Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma

On a car trip, typically the destination is Point A to Point B. Most of the time, you are on the four lane or six lane highway. A motorcycle trip is an adventure. A few weeks ago we took an adventure with our friends the Hackler’s and Cheshier’s. We had no idea where we were going, no hotel reservations, just our extra clothes and road maps….the plan was to leave on a Thursday and be home on Sunday.

While travelling on a motorcycle, you find out the most interesting fun facts about the towns you ride through. For instance, Hiawatha, KS has the largest Halloween Parade; EVER, Vinita, OK has the largest calf fry feed; EVER, Atchison, KS is the most haunted town in KS and Kansas farmers feed 128 people per day including YOU. Thank a farmer while you eat something today!

Thursday we rode to Marysville, KS which boasts “Home of the Black Squirrel”, supposedly there were hundreds of them in the park. We saw two, in the tops of trees and it was impossible to get their photo. We saw them, just no actually proof. We rode into town for lunch and discovered that Marysville was one of the major stops on the pony express. In the town square they had a beautiful Remington sculpture of the cowboy on his pony with his mail bag. It was spectacular, loving history I reveled that we stumbled upon this town square. Lunch was good, black squirrels spotted it was time to move on. We rode to Atchinson, KS birthplace of Amelia Earhart. What a great city! Located on the Missouri River, it was full of homes built in the 1800’s, a major factory and home of St. Benedictine College. We found a small hotel with three rooms, so lucky, it was homecoming weekend. Checked in, relaxed a bit then drove into town to find something to eat; and some malted beverages. We discovered a bar/restaurant that overlooked the Missouri River, stomachs full, bodies just a little weary from the long ride, we were ready to crash.

The next morning we took a quick look at the map and decided we needed to at least ride over the Missouri River Bridge. The sun coming up and shining through the steel bridge was incredible. The colors are only those that will remain in my head, no camera could actually capture; glorious colors that only God could put together and make so magnificent.

I wish I could remember the names of all of the towns we passed through, all of the kind people who always talk to us when we stop for gas, wondering where we are going, wishing they could come to. Our answer always the same, get a motorcycle and join us!

We stopped on night two in Monnet, MO. A small town with a small hotel room with three rooms, just what we needed. We asked the clerk where to eat and she mentioned a Cajun restaurant just across the highway. Perfect, we could walk and not get back on the bikes. Let’s face it, our butts and legs were tired.

The restaurant was not prepared for us. We were hungry and ready to drink, and so we did. After eating (and drinking too much) we were off to the hotel. Everyone crossed the highway except Jane and me. Standing there forever, cars honking at us, we finally made the break and made it, laughing the entire way.
Day three, tired, a little hung over, and not a clue where we were going, a look at the map, a discussion and off towards Oklahoma we headed. Luke originally had us going to Sherman, Texas on this trip but we just didn’t make it. Texas?

The mornings were so pretty, so cool you had to wear a jacket and by afternoon just a t-shirt was plenty. On this particular morning, it was warm and by afternoon I felt like I was melting – literally. We stopped in Jane, MO at a small cemetery. There was a family wandering around looking at headstones and I decided to strike up a conversation with them. They were looking for family members who fought during the Civil War. Several of their family members were buried there. So interesting the people we meet. After talking for awhile, we were back on the road, headed we thought to Grove, OK. As it turns out, we were kind of making a circle. It didn’t matter; the roads were amazing and the scenery unforgettable. We stopped at a local gas station, pulled out the map and discovered we were actually about 35 miles from where we started from. Who cares? Well, not us, it was a great ride.

We rode into Grove, OK and Gerald had a great idea to stop at Ace Hardware and ask where we should stay the night. The very helpful young man in Ace suggested “HONEY CREEK MOTEL”. The guys checked in, took the bikes and the “key” to the cabin which the owner referred to “every man’s favorite” and Susie, Jane and I walked down towards the lake where the cabin was located. As soon as we got about half way there, I knew we were in trouble. We walked into the cabin and no kidding I felt like it was 1953. There were three bedrooms, two had window units and one had a door out to the balcony. One bathroom and a kitchen; again, I just cannot describe this experience. So I was the bad guy, I refused to stay and Terry quickly seconded the motion. The owner very sadly returned our money and off we went to an actual hotel with clean towels, toilet paper and hot running water.

Our dinner was at the Lazy Parrot on the lake. Delicious food, cold drinks and absolutely horrible pineapple upside down cake, guess you can’t have it all! Back to the hotel, we discussed the adventures of the day and everyone making fun of me and my lack of adventuresome spirit. No cabin life for me, sorry. Only the six of us will really understand how hysterical that moment was. I still laugh about it. I wanted to kill Luke and Gerald but I had to get home.

Sunday came too quickly for us; it was time to make the ride back to Wichita. We rode about 1,100 miles that weekend. It was phenomenal. Go have an adventure…..peace!